Friday, September 11, 2009

2010 Ford Fiesta - Redefining The HOT Hatch


Simply put, it’s one of the most exciting cars coming to the United States. What’s so excited about a Ford Fiesta (besides the fact that the car’s green)? It’s a cheap, small car that gets great gas mileage and will not break the bank. Sure, you could buy a Prius that gets 50MPG (Fiesta should be just under 50MPG), but it costs well over $20k (the Fiesta should cost under $15k base price). You could buy a Mini Cooper, but again the price savings (and the Fiesta is still a cool car that could be in the same class as the Mini) is huge and the gas mileage is as good if not better.


In the end, if Ford does bring over a non-neutered version of the Fiesta (there is a 65+ MPG version in the UK), it will surely be a smash in a time when people are becoming more energy concious. Sure, it might not be as flashy as a Prius, but it was built without the use of VERY hazardous materials like battery acid and lead other battery waste. Expect to see this car tweaked by the import tuning crowd AS SOON as it hits American shores.

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